Dutch driving license
Once you are a resident of the Netherlands (registered in the municipality database) you cannot drive a car registered in another country for a longer period of 185 days. Furthermore, you must have a valid license recognized by Dutch law, be at least 16, and have a...
Tuberculosis check
In order to obtain a Residence Permit, an expat must be prepared to undergo a tuberculosis examination and, if necessary, treatment for tuberculosis. If the expat completes the Declaration of Intent for a Tuberculosis Examination and submits it to the Dutch...
Municipal taxes
Once you have found yourself the perfect home in the Netherlands and you are finally registered on your new address, you will be receiving municipal taxes, also known in Dutch as “Gemeentebelastingen”. These payments are meant for maintaining and improving the city....
Leaving the Netherlands
If a highly skilled migrant relocates from the Netherlands to another country, then kindly note that the residence permit needs to be returned, as this document is owned by the Dutch government. Please keep in mind that this is only applicable for NON-EU members who...
Dutch law makes every adult an organ donor
A new national law makes every adult an organ donor unless you opt out. The law came into effect in the summer of 2020. When the law is fully implemented, everyone who lives in the Netherlands and is registered at the municipality (this includes foreigners) will...
New salary requirement for highly skilled migrants 2021
The IND published the new salary requirements for qualifying as a highly skilled migrant per January 1, 2021. The salary requirements as stated by the WML (statutory minimum wage) will be adjusted and published by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment twice a...
The Relocation Company took all the work off our hands. All appointments were scheduled, it was completely low maintenance for us. Nevertheless, we were well informed about the process, which I highly appreciate.
– Michael H.