Leaving the Netherlands
If a highly skilled migrant relocates from the Netherlands to another country, then kindly note that the residence permit needs to be returned, as this document is owned by the Dutch government. Please keep in mind that this is only applicable for NON-EU members who...
Memorial and Liberation Day
May 4th and May 5th are two very important days in the Netherlands. On the 4th of May, the Dutch commemorate everyone who lost their lives in World War II. At 20:00 PM everyone in the Netherlands participates in a two-minute period of silence. If you are on the road,...
Daylight Saving time
Dutch summer time officially started at 2am on Sunday 29 March, when the clocks went forward an hour to 3am. Many devices automatically switch to summertime. CET is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). During the summer period most Western European...
COIVD-19 virus
The Dutch government announced stricter measurements to halt the COIVD-19 virus. We would like to give you an update about the measurements The Relocation Company is taking. The Relocation Company reduces human contact to a minimum, however within the organization we...
Most Valuable Dutch Brands
The Netherlands is a relatively small country, but has many leading brands that are known worldwide. Ranked as number one of well-known brands is Shell. This is a Dutch / British multinational that was founded in 1907 and is based in The Hague. Shell sells its fuel to...
Search period highly skilled migrants
The search period has been specially created for highly skilled migrants who are looking for a new job as a highly skilled migrant. They do have 3 months time to find a new job, regardless whether or not the unemployment is culpable. This search period starts from the...
The Relocation Company took all the work off our hands. All appointments were scheduled, it was completely low maintenance for us. Nevertheless, we were well informed about the process, which I highly appreciate.
– Michael H.