The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database. Your citizen service number is also on your passport, driving license and identity card. You will automatically...
We’re hiring
✋ WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! We are looking for a Junior Relocation Consultant who will support our team in the entire Relocation process. Are you a real go-getter and do you see yourself working within a small dynamic team? If you also speak Dutch, then we...
Brexit (DEAL)
What will happen if agreement is reached on withdrawal (DEAL)? The Withdrawal Agreement establishes the terms of the UK's withdrawal from the EU. It ensures that the withdrawal will happen in an orderly manner, and offers legal certainty once the Treaties...
European elections
Elections for the European Parliament will be held on May 23, 2019. That happens once every five years. The European Parliament consists of 751 members, 1 of whom is chairman. 705 seats remain after the Brexit. The members are also represented as members...
Brexit (No DEAL)
What will happen if no agreement is reached (NO DEAL)? Transitional arrangement "No deal" means the UK would have failed to agree a withdrawal agreement. That would mean there would be no transition period after 31 October 2019, and EU laws would stop...
Memorial and Liberation Day
May 4th and May 5th are two very important days in the Netherlands. On the 4th of May the Dutch commemorate everyone who lost their lives in World War II and other recent wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan. At 20:00 PM everyone in the Netherlands participates...
The Relocation Company took all the work off our hands. All appointments were scheduled, it was completely low maintenance for us. Nevertheless, we were well informed about the process, which I highly appreciate.
– Michael H.